New E-zine is now out! Please note that this is only available to members.
Our mothers have access to a pairing up with other mothers who might support them on a one to one basis.
Take time to chat, blow off some steam and seek advice from supportive mothers in the same situation.
Learn about frontline issues of a legal, mental health well-being and current affair nature as well as celebrating being alive and thriving in this special community.
Running in London and Leeds, these events are a special place to get out in society with strength in numbers where you can share and mingle with other mothers as well as listen to invited speakers.
Mothers day is a very challenging time for Matchmothers.
Let us celebrate Mothers day with you and for you, by sending you a card from us.
It is a quiet acknowledgement from us to you to let you know we care and understand what you are feeling.
Perhaps you want to give back to our special community? We are always looking for fundraising opportunities and events to raise money and awareness. Or perhaps you might consider one day being a volunteer on the helpline? It is a great way for members to feel part of the community and we welcome all members getting involved.
To subscribe, please copy and paste this link in to your browser and follow the Paypal instructions.
Your membership will begin from the 1st of the next month after your purchase and a welcome email will be sent to you with all instructions included.
Please reference your payment "1YR SUB". We will write to the email account on the paypal invoice so please ensure that you are happy for whoever pays for this subscription to receive information from us.
We endeavour to check each new member to ensure that all of our mothers are genuine users. To date, this has ensured that all of our mothers have a safe space to talk in.
We are aware that some less than genuine people may try to join our special group.
For this reason, if you have concerns about your privacy, we advise when joining social platforms, that you use a new discrete account to protect your identity and do not mention the names or identifying details of you or third parties if this may place you in a challenging situation later.
We at Matchmothers will not share your membership information with any other user or third party unless you tell us we can.
Please fully read our privacy policy.